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更新时间:2025-03-10 17:40:21
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on various occasions的翻译

1. The government also contended that it had raised the proposal of temporary reclamation on various occasions and through different channels during the public consultation period.

2. He was jailed on three occasions for various burglaries, indecent assaults and rapes afterwards.

3. " As Bashful as Fire " features hot and hilarious, shy and sentimental dances on various wedding occasions of different people throughout the world.

1. School Arts Troupe has a margin of Symphonic Band, Choir, Orchestra, dance, drama, literary and artistic associations, etc., at all levels of various types of international and domestic shows, competitions on many occasions have obtained outstanding results, is China's first entered the Vienna Golden Hall of the Students Art Troupe.

2. Special times are appointed for them: the hours for the various parts of the daily Office, days of rogation or of vigil, seasons of Advent and Lent; and occasions of special need, affliction, thanksgiving, jubilee, on the part of all, or of large numbers of the faithful.
特别倍任命为他们:小时为各部分的日常办公,天rogation ,或晚会,季节的来临和借出;和场合的特殊需要,痛苦,感恩,银禧,就部分或全部,或大批的忠实。

3. But all the scholars and almost all of the students who spoke about the issue on various occasions insisted that there was no important difference between Western values or conceptions of human rights and their own.

4. As a matter of fact, investigation statistics indicates the degree of the drivers eyes opening is different to some extent on the various occasions of the driver normal driving, the drowsing driving and the fatigued driving.

5. Therefore, we should pay attention to their body language on various occasions.

6. I know that many people remained until late watching the games on various occasions.

7. I encountered her on various social occasions but didn`t know her well.

8. In the following short dialogs you will find some useful expressions which are often used on various social occasions.

9. To master English used on various important daily occasions and can use English in the workplace.

10. Project cost is a broad concept, on various occasions, the different meaning of the project cost.

11. The facts brought to the knowledge of the Court disclose so much uncertainty and contradiction, so much fluctuation and discrepancy in the exercise of diplomatic asylum and in the officia1views expressed on various occasions, there has been so much inconsistency in the rapid succession of conventions on asylum, ratified by some States and rejected by others, and the practice has been so much influenced by considerations of political expediency in the various cases, that it i

12. Probably not and you will keep on talking and talking in all media and at various occasions, right?

13. In the full review the advantages and disadvantages of parallel way on various application occasions, inverter parallel system adopts the improved master-slave parallel way: automatic host type master-slave parallel way, the communication mode is CAN structure, greatly ensured the reliability of communication.

14. Many students at Chancery have won various English competitions on numerous occasions.

15. Mechanical face seals are used to seal various fluids on a lot of occasions, it is the pillar of fluid seals in pump and compressor at present.

16. In the real life, as the written form of basis for entries, vouchers exist in various occasions, such as vouchers, invoices, documents, such as the transfer certificates, invoice vouchers, order certificates, proof of payment and so on.

17. With small size and low cost, the utility model can be movably put on various occasions.

18. on various occasions

18. In many ways and on various occasions you spoke to our fathers through the prophets.

19. The little oriole was very shy, her friends tried to bring her out on various occasions

20. The company can undertake various cleaning cleaning works on various occasions, various types of environmental clean management of scientific management experience and construction plan.

Mature men will do their own business, dealing with a steady smile on various occasions.(成熟的男人会自己做自己的事,沉稳微笑着处理各种场合。)
At present, the Coca-Cola Company has more than 50 kinds of different beverages in the Chinese market and the consumers have rich choices on various occasions to quench their thirst.(目前可口可乐公司在中国市场有超过50种不同饮料,令消费者在各种场合都有丰富选择可以怡神解渴。)
This exhaustive list of gifts sought to place on various occasions, to determine the nature of the gift in order to make more explicit the nature of the donation contract.(本文力求穷尽列举赠与发生的各种场合,确定赠与的性质,以期使赠与合同性质更加明确。)
Relaxed and lively book topic, suitable for all ages, all levels of stages of reading on various occasions friends.(本书话题轻松明快,适合各年龄阶段、各层次阶段的朋友在各种场合阅读。)
To master English used on various important daily occasions and can use English in the workplace.(谙练驾驭糊口中各个主要场所的用语,能在事变情形中运用英语资格快速通过。)
This painting depicts ninety-five horses with various poses on various occasions from different perspectives, and forty-one grooms engaging various activities.(此图从不同角度描绘了九十五匹不同姿势、不同状态下的马匹与从事养马等各种活动的奚官、圉者四十一人。)
I encountered her on various social occasions but didn't know her well.(我曾在社交场合遇见过她几次,但是对她了解不深。)
Mr. Tang on many occasions through various means to seek recovery of money, but other company executives since July 2007 and never disappeared. Wu Nai under Mr.(汤先生议决百般方式多次追求追回货款,但他方公司负担人自2007年7月份之后再也没有踪影。)
They sat on various occasions beneath the great trees in Kensington Gardens.(他们多次憩息在肯辛顿花园的大树下。)
Trawling the site on various occasions, I've seen dozens of combs made of the early plastic called celluloid - combs so beautiful they belonged in a museum, so beguiling I coveted them for my own.(好几次访问这个网站,我看到许多用叫做赛璐珞的早期的塑料做成的梳子。那些梳子漂亮得已经在博物馆安了家,美妙得让人恨不得占为己有。)
on various occasions是什么意思 on various occasions在线翻译 on various occasions什么意思 on various occasions的意思 on various occasions的翻译 on various occasions的解释 on various occasions的发音 on various occasions的同义词